[LINK] New Australian Education Minister Needs to Put Online at Core of Strategy

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Tue Jan 5 08:29:37 AEDT 2021

I was asked to comment by Times Higher Education on what might be Alan 
Tudge, the new Australian education minister's approach. 

In 2013 he chaired a committee investigating online learning 
particularly for International students. This did not appear to receive 
support from his colleagues, or the Australian higher education sector 
at the time. However, as I commented in THE article, the need to teach 
students during COIVD-19 has shown the value of on-line learning. The 
problem for the new Minister is now to recast the national strategy for 
higher education with online learning at its core. 

Tom Worthington, MEd FHEA FACS CP IP3P http://www.tomw.net.au 
TomW Communications Pty Ltd. PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617, Australia
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Prof. Standards Legislation

Honorary Lecturer, Computer Science, Australian National University 

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