[LINK] How space is changing the nature of war

Tom Worthington tom.worthington at tomw.net.au
Fri Feb 11 08:51:38 AEDT 2022

On 9/2/22 20:39, Stephen Loosley wrote:

> “SpaceX’s rocket cargo delivery plans to deploy a C-17’s worth of
> cargo or personnel anywhere in the world within an hour.” ... 
> https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/593411-how-space-is-changing-the-nature-of-war

Starship Troopers? ;-) 

Mores seriously, even the US military can't afford to transport too much 
by aircraft, let alone spacecraft, as it simply costs too much. Most 
heavy equipment, and supplies, arrive by ship, train and truck.

Also such spacecraft are becoming more vulnerable to attack from 
smarter, cheaper weapons.

Such cargo rockets could militarize space. Being able to deliver a few 
troops to a remote location with a few days supplies will be of limited 
use, compared to use the same rockets to launch large missile platforms 
in orbit. At the same time small countries (the size of New Zealand) 
will have the capability to launch anti-satellite weapons against these 

Tom Worthington http://www.tomw.net.au

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