[LINK] How space is changing the nature of war

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Fri Feb 11 17:21:01 AEDT 2022

Tom writes,

>> “SpaceX’s rocket cargo delivery plans to deploy a C-17’s worth of
>> cargo or personnel anywhere in the world within an hour.” ...
>> https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/593411-how-space-is-changing-the-nature-of-war
> .. even the US military can't afford to transport too much by aircraft, let
> alone spacecraft, as it simply costs too much. Most heavy equipment, and
> supplies, arrive by ship, train and truck.

“It's the SpaceX upcoming Starship that has designers of science missions salivating.
SpaceX .. has built six prototypes at a pace of nearly one per month ..The steel alloy
spacecraft and its superheavy booster stand 120 meters tall, towering over Saturn V
that carried people to the Moon. Last year, Musk said full reusability, and thrifty use
of propellant, would drop the cost of each Starship launch to $2 million ..”

Ref: https://www.science.org/content/article/spacex-now-dominates-rocket-flight-bringing-big-benefits-and-risks-nasa

> Also such spacecraft are becoming more vulnerable to attack from smarter, cheaper
> weapons.

Tom, they’re talking of putting vehicles briefly into orbit, then aiming them down when
and where they are needed. Intercepting such trajectories will be *extremely* difficult.

> Such cargo rockets could militarize space. Being able to deliver a few troops to a remote
> location with a few days supplies will be of limited use compared to use the same rockets
> to launch large missile platforms in orbit. At the same time small countries (a size of New
> Zealand) will have the capability to launch anti-satellite weapons against these platforms.

Tom, 200+ well-armed soldiers “on the spot” within an hour will do much to quell problems.
Most countries would need several days to respond, meanwhile, five more Starships arrived
full of soldiers and equipment. And the Starship is designed as a fully reusable rocket system,
with an ascent payload capacity of 150 t to a low earth orbit, and, a return capacity of 50 ton.
Musk alone can build his spacecraft at a rate of one a month, America can build many indeed.

Compared with the expenses to build, maintain and fly simple single-purpose Stealth Bombers
these multi-multi-multi-purpose Musk SpaceX Starships could appear to be absolute bargains.


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