[LINK] Virtual Power Stations Re: National Renewable Network

Stephen Loosley stephenloosley at outlook.com
Wed Feb 7 11:11:22 AEDT 2024

Marghanita da Cruz<mailto:marghanita at ramin.com.au>  writes,

> I met a man on an electric vespa like scooter and he said he had a deal
> where he bought panels that were part of a virtual power station.
> https://arena.gov.au/blog/what-are-virtual-power-plants-and-why-do-they-matter/
> https://www.next-kraftwerke.com/vpp/virtual-power-plant

Thanks Marghanita .. quote:  “technologies like virtual power plants are predicted to play an important role.”

“Not just solar batteries…maybe a virtual power plant

While household solar batteries are an early focus, the term ‘virtual power plant’ can refer to energy pooled from a wide range of energy assets or generators.

Electric vehicles offer a significant opportunity, which is currently being trialled by ACT energy provider ActewAGL to provide FCAS to support the grid.

Their project has deployed 51 Nissan Leaf EVs with vehicle-to-grid capability, using the vehicles’ 40kWh batteries to deliver grid services. Charged with renewable energy, the EVs will be connected to the grid for about 70 per cent of the time, providing backup power and discharging electricity to the grid, as well as storing excess renewable energy to help to stabilise the network.

The potential of EVs is significant. If all 19 million vehicles on Australian roads were electric, they would collectively supply as much energy storage as nine Snowy 2.0 pumped hydro schemes.

With AEMO forecasting that Australia will need 15 GW of energy storage by the early 2040s and high uptake of DER already stretching the grid, technologies like virtual power plants are predicted to play an important role.”


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