[Nauty] Isomorphism of Set System

Joost Winne Joost.Winne at UGent.be
Sun Aug 3 04:19:01 EST 2003


You actually pretty much gave the answer yourself:
Create a graph of order (x+n), vertices 0..x-1 represent the points
(X) and x..x+n-1 the blocks (B).
You could specify two initial
partitions since the graph is bipartite, i.e.

ptn should be
1 1 ... 1 1 0  2 2 ... 2 2  0    (values)
0 1 2      x-1 x          x+n-1  (indexes)

There is an example in the nauty manual for a design using dreadnaut.
Or was your question more about the technical details of implementation ?
The 2 examples in the end of the manual should help you.


> does anybody know how to generate a graph from a set system using Nauty?

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