[Nauty] DAG isomorphisms for size > 7

Brian Patterson patterbj at cs.iastate.edu
Fri Feb 27 11:55:01 EST 2004

Hi, new guy here so sorry if this question has already been asked 
(though I searched the archives):

What I'm interested in finding is a way to use nauty, geng, directg, 
etc. to generate the set of all non-isomorphic graphs for graphs of 
size greater than 7 (hopefully in a format like at the bottom of 
http://cs.anu.edu.au/people/bdm/data/digraphs.html for sizes 2-7).  I'm 
not a computational graph theorist but I realize going much higher than 
7 is probably infeasible but I'd like to go as far as I can.

In the archives, someone suggested running the command line "./geng -q 
6 | ./directg -u" but (1) it gives output I don't follow and (2) the 
counts don't add up.  Even if I do "./geng -q 3 | ./directg -u -o" (to 
allow no bidirected edges), I still get 7 graphs when there are only 6 
isomorphism classes in http://cs.anu.edu.au/people/bdm/data/dag3.txt .

Any help with either my understanding of the theoretical picture or 
what parameters to use on this issue would be awesome.  Thanks!

Brian Patterson, PhD Graduate Student
Dept. of Computer Science, Iowa State University

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