[Nauty] Problems with writeg6( )

Elspeth Nickle enickle at telus.net
Fri Jun 18 05:40:01 EST 2004

I have a program where I am writing a graph which has been produced 
using nauty commands (GRAPHROW, EMPTYSET, ADDELEMENT) to a file, I get 
the following results.

In the Terminal window, when I try to compile my program with this 

       ejn$    g++ -o testmodalt2 testmodalt2.cc naututil.o nauty.o 
nautil.o nautinv.o naugraph.o rng.o gtools.o

The operations does not complete.  It bombs with this message:

	ld: Undefined symbols:
	writeg6(__sFILE*, unsigned*, int, int)
	make: *** [testmodalt2] Error 1

However when I use the command below (where I substitute gtools.c for 
gtools.o),  it compiles and runs without error.

      ejn$    g++ -o testmodalt2 testmodalt2.cc naututil.o nauty.o 
nautil.o nautinv.o naugraph.o rng.o gtools.c

Then using Xcode, when I use the command Build and Run, the program 
compiles, runs, and then crashes with this message at the point where 
writeg6( ) is invoked:

        ZeroLink: unknown symbol '__Z7writeg6P7__sFILEPjii'
        GraphsJune10 has exited due to signal 6 (SIGABRT).

Can anybody explain to me why this is happening? Ideally, I would like 
to use Xcode for my development so I would love to know how to placate 

Elspeth Nickle

Elspeth Nickle

Now that we are in Scotland, my e-mail is a bit complex! Here it is:
permanent and preferred return address:  enickle at telus.net
alternate address (accessed less frequently): elspeth.nickle at uleth.ca
second alternate (ONLY until Dec 31, 2004):  elsp_ron at dsl.pipex.com

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