[Nauty-list] readgraph()

Brendan McKay bdm at cs.anu.edu.au
Tue Feb 15 21:59:44 EST 2011

Oops.  It does NOT indicate an actual problem.

Brendan.  (Thanks, Keith)

* Brendan McKay <bdm at cs.anu.edu.au> [110215 21:54]:
> Hi, You can ignore the message
>    warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> as it does indicate an actual problem.
> The warning occurs in situations like this:
> int f(char *s)
> {
>     printf(s);
> }
> Some versions of the GCC compiler thinks it is suspicious, but it is
> fine if the argument is an ordinary string, eg.  f("hello world\n").
> The next release of nauty will avoid the warning by changing the
> printf statement to printf("%s",s).
> Brendan.
> * Susanne Nieß <niess at ma.tum.de> [110215 19:48]:
> > Thank you very much, after moving the malloc() calls the code works. You are completely right, I accidently attached the wrong source code, sorry. The problem, however, occurred in both testnau4 and testnau3. On the unix machine where I testet them, both seemed to be in an endless loop until I killed them after 24 hours. I also tried it on a linux machine. The compiler made some warnings and the files it saved are different and both nonsense (no change between before and after moving the malloc) and I am still busy debugging that. When I installed the nauty package on linux, there were several warnings that I did not understand. Do they mean my system is somehow not compatible with nauty? I attach the file nautywarn2.txt with those warnings.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 02/12/11 02:57 AM, William Rummler wrote:
> >> I could not reproduce the long running time you mentioned with the
> >> latest source and input, but I have a feeling that it might have
> >> something to do with a scanf() that was waiting for input. (On the
> >> other hand, that is a total guess and might be completely wrong.)
> >>
> >> I did not notice any statements for printing the "testX" output in
> >> this source file (testnau3.c). Is this the right file (or similar
> >> enough to the right one)? If I recall correctly, your testnau4.c had
> >> some print statements for "testX" output.
> >>
> >> I quickly went over this one and found only one major issue, which was
> >> that the variable l is not initialized before its use in the malloc()
> >> calls for lab, ptn, and orbits. Those malloc() calls should probably
> >> be moved to just after the sequence of fscanf() calls for anz, h, and
> >> l.
> >>
> >>
> >> Since you mention that you traced the problem to the nauty() call, I
> >> think I should ask if you sent the right file(s)?
> >>
> >> - William
> >
> > make
> > gcc -c -O4  naututil.c
> > gcc -c -O4  nauty.c
> > gcc -c -O4  nautil.c
> > gcc -c -O4  nautinv.c
> > gcc -c -O4  naugraph.c
> > gcc -c -O4  rng.c
> > gcc -o dreadnaut -O4 dreadnaut.c \
> > 	    naututil.o nauty.o nautil.o nautinv.o naugraph.o rng.o 
> > gcc -c -O4  gtools.c
> > gtools.c: In function ???gt_abort???:
> > gtools.c:1831: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > gcc -o copyg -O4  copyg.c gtools.o 
> > gcc -o listg -O4  listg.c gtools.o nautil.o 
> > listg.c: In function ???putedges???:
> > listg.c:170: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > listg.c:173: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > gcc -c -O4  gtnauty.c
> > gcc -c -O4  nausparse.c
> > gcc -c -O4  gutil2.c
> > gcc -o labelg -O4 labelg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o \
> > 	    nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nautinv.o nausparse.o \
> > 	    gutil2.o 
> > gcc -o dretog -O4  dretog.c \
> > 		gtools.o naututil.o nautil.o rng.o naugraph.o 
> > gcc -o amtog -O4  amtog.c gtools.o 
> > gcc -c -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -o nauty1.o nauty.c
> > gcc -c -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -o nautil1.o nautil.c
> > gcc -c -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -o naugraph1.o naugraph.c
> > gcc -o geng -O4  -DMAXN=32 geng.c gtools.o nauty1.o \
> > 		nautil1.o naugraph1.o 
> > gcc -o complg -O4  complg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o \
> >                nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nausparse.o 
> > gcc -o shortg -O4  shortg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o nautinv.o \
> >             nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nausparse.o gutil2.o 
> > gcc -o showg -O4  showg.c 
> > showg.c: In function ???gt_abort???:
> > showg.c:199: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > showg.c: In function ???putedges???:
> > showg.c:910: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > showg.c:913: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > gcc -o NRswitchg -O4  NRswitchg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o \
> > 		 nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nausparse.o 
> > gcc -c -O4  gutil1.c
> > gcc -o biplabg -O4  biplabg.c \
> > 		gtools.o nautil.o naugraph.o gutil1.o 
> > gcc -o addedgeg -O4  addedgeg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o \
> > 		 nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o gutil1.o nausparse.o 
> > gcc -o deledgeg -O4  deledgeg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o \
> > 		 nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nausparse.o 
> > gcc -o countg -O4 testg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o gutil1.o \
> > 	         gutil2.o nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nausparse.o 
> > testg.c: In function ???printthesevals???:
> > testg.c:345: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > testg.c: In function ???printkeyvals???:
> > testg.c:372: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > gcc -o pickg -O4 testg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o gutil1.o \
> > 	        gutil2.o nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nausparse.o 
> > testg.c: In function ???printthesevals???:
> > testg.c:345: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > testg.c: In function ???printkeyvals???:
> > testg.c:372: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > gcc -o genrang -O4  genrang.c nausparse.o \
> > 		gtools.o nautil.o naututil.o naugraph.o rng.o 
> > gcc -o newedgeg -O4  newedgeg.c gtools.o gtnauty.o \
> > 		 nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o nausparse.o 
> > gcc -o catg -O4  catg.c gtools.o 
> > gcc -c -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -DWORDSIZE=32 -o gtoolsW1.o gtools.c 
> > gtools.c: In function ???gt_abort???:
> > gtools.c:1831: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
> > gcc -c -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -DWORDSIZE=32 -o nautyW1.o nauty.c
> > gcc -c -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -DWORDSIZE=32 -o nautilW1.o nautil.c
> > gcc -c -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -DWORDSIZE=32 -o naugraphW1.o naugraph.c
> > gcc -o genbg -O4  -DMAXN=WORDSIZE -DWORDSIZE=32 genbg.c gtoolsW1.o \
> > 		nautyW1.o nautilW1.o naugraphW1.o 
> > gcc -c -O4  naugroup.c
> > gcc -o directg -O4  directg.c gtools.o \
> >                 nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o naugroup.o 
> > gcc -o multig -O4  multig.c gtools.o \
> >                 nauty.o nautil.o naugraph.o naugroup.o 
> > gcc -o planarg -O4  \
> > 		planarg.c planarity.c gtools.o 
> > gcc -o gentourng -O4  -DMAXN=24 gentourng.c gtools.o nauty1.o \
> > 		nautil1.o naugraph1.o 
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> > Nauty-list mailing list
> > Nauty-list at cs.anu.edu.au
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> Nauty-list at cs.anu.edu.au
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