[Nauty] restarting genbg

Brendan McKay Brendan.McKay at anu.edu.au
Thu Nov 14 11:24:25 AEDT 2019

Dear Susanne,

You should have used the res/mod feature of genbg to run it in 
independent parts.

Please tell me (off-list) exactly what parameters you were using and
what you have kept from the aborted run.  Did you keep the graphs

This is a big "maybe".


On 14/11/19 7:29 am, Susanne Nieß wrote:
> Dear Brendan,
> after more than 9 months of computing, genbg stopped because it ran out
> of disk space. Is it somehow possible, after providing more space, to
> start genbg and tell it to resume work at the place where it was when it
> was stopped, so the work of 9 months is not lost?
> Susanne Nieß
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