[Nauty] Canonical Extension of A Graph

Brendan McKay Brendan.McKay at anu.edu.au
Tue Nov 19 10:27:41 AEDT 2019

Dear Aziz,

What you are asking for is not properly defined.  That is, "canonical 
extension" is not a concept whose meaning is agreed on.

Perhaps if you tell us what you are hoping to do we may be able to 
advise you.


On 19/11/19 8:05 am, Mehmet Aziz YIRIK wrote:
> Dear Nauty Developers,
> Does NAUTY provide a function, returning the list all canonical extensions of a graph ? In other words, rather than checking whether an extension of a graph is canonical or not for every possible bond adding, does NAUTY provide such a function just to return the list all canonical bond addings to a graph ?
> I went through the documentation. There is addedgeg function but it is not exactly what I am looking for. It is again checking for all the bond addings one by one.
> Thanks;
> Aziz
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