[Aqualist] IGCP588/INQUA1001 Hong Kong Conference

Barrows, Timothy T.Barrows at exeter.ac.uk
Tue Sep 7 00:39:53 EST 2010

From: Craig Sloss <c.sloss at qut.edu.au<mailto:c.sloss at qut.edu.au>>

The first joint international conference of
IGCP 588: ¡®Preparing for Coastal Change¡¯ and INQUA 1001: ¡®Quaternary Coastal Change and Records of Extreme Marine Inundation on Coastal Environments¡¯
30 November 2010 (Tuesday) ¨C 4 December 2010 (Saturday)
University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China

The IGCP 588 ¡°Preparing for coastal change¡± aims to integrate contemporary processes, impacts and responses of coastal environments to changes in sea level and extreme events, with an overarching focus on human influences and reactions to coastal processes. The project will include further examination of past and present coastal dynamics and evolution, with the additional emphasis on predictive modelling of the coastal response to changing climates, anthropogenic impacts and natural hazards. In collaboration with INQUA 1001: Impacts of sea level change and extreme marine inundation on coastal environments we aim to bring together researchers assessing coastal dynamics and vulnerability at timescales from minutes to millennia that are immediately relevant to a variety of stakeholders interested in the future of coastal communities globally. By drawing together researchers that have an interest in ¡°preparing for coastal change¡± these projects will provide a forum for scientists to network, collaborate,
gain experience and develop skills.

With this in mind we are pleased to announce the initial IGCP588 ¡°Preparing for Coastal Change¡± joint meeting with the INQUA 1001: Impacts of sea level change and extreme marine inundation on coastal environments. The meeting will be held at the University of Hong Kong from 30 November ©\ 4 December 2010.

Details and registration form http://www.hku.hk/science/igcp588/

Financial supports
Funds from INQUA1001 Impacts of sea level change and extreme marine inundation on coastal
environments and the Stephen Hui Trust Funds (HKU) are available to support Early Career Researchers (achieved their PhD in the last 5 years), and PhD candidates

Successful candidates will be expected to present an oral or poster presentation and provide a conferencereport for the funding organizations. Please send your abstract and 1 page CV
to Dr. Craig Sloss by the 11th September (email: c.sloss at qut.edu.au)

Dr Craig Sloss
Lecturer in Geosciences
Discipline of Biogeoscience
Queensland University of Technology
GPO Box 2434
ph: 61 7 3138 2610
fax: 61 7 3138 1535
email: c.sloss at qut.edu.au<mailto:c.sloss at qut.edu.au>

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