[TimorLesteStudies] ICESEA/SCEASI Visiting Fellowship Program

Michael Leach mleach at swin.edu.au
Fri Dec 8 08:42:09 AEDT 2023

ICESEA/CSEASI Visiting Fellowship

The call is now open to scholars from Southeast Asia wishing to apply for the Initiative canadienne pour l’étude du Sud-Est asiatique / Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative (ICESEA/CSEASI) inaugural visiting scholar fellowship. The deadline for applications is January 15th, 2023.

The University of Saskatchewan, in partnership with the Initiative canadienne pour l’étude du Sud-Est asiatique / Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative (ICESEA/CSEASI), is thrilled to announce the inaugural ICESEA/CSEASI Visiting Scholar position for outstanding researchers who are Southeast Asian nationals based at a Southeast Asian institution.

Established in 2022, ICESEA/CSEASI is dedicated to building capacity in, and raising the profile of, Southeast Asian Studies in Canadian universities through support for pedagogy, graduate training, research and community outreach. Bringing together a consortium of 9 Canadian universities, working in concert with partners across Southeast Asia, ICESEA/CSEASI aims to build collaborative and sustainable relationships with the region.

The ICESEA/CSEASI Visiting Scholar program is supported by generous funding from the Henry Luce Foundation through the LuceSEA program.

About the University of Saskatchewan:
As a leading research-intensive university in Canada, the University of Saskatchewan is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of knowledge and fostering a diverse and inclusive academic environment. Our institution offers state-of-the-art facilities, a supportive research community, and a commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration.

The College of Arts and Science offers a dynamic combination of programs in the humanities, fine arts, social sciences, and natural sciences. There are approximately 9,000 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the College, and 296 faculty members, including 10 Canada Research Chairs. The College emphasizes student and faculty research, interdisciplinary programs, community outreach, and international opportunities.

The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, a city with a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community, and a full range of leisure opportunities. The University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research, and scholarly activities and offers a range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to a student population of over 26,000.

About the Initiative canadienne pour l’étude du Sud-Est asiatique / Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative:
The Visiting Scholar position is part of the Initiative canadienne pour l’étude du Sud-Est asiatique / Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative, a collaborative initiative promoting research, knowledge exchange, and cultural understanding of Southeast Asia. By joining this initiative, you will have access to a robust network of scholars, resources, and collaborative opportunities across Canada.

Position Details:
The ICESEA/CSEASI Visiting scholar fellowship provides funding for travel and accommodation for up to 3 months. The position can be taken up any time between 1st July 2024 and 30th June 2025. ICESEA/CSEASI As a Visiting Scholar, you will have the unique opportunity to conduct your research focusing on Southeast Asian histories, languages, cultures, politics and societies. Your expertise and contributions will contribute to the broader understanding of Southeast Asian studies within the Canadian academic landscape. You will have access to our world-class resources, research centers, and experienced mentors who will support your scholarly endeavors.

Benefits of the Visiting Scholar Position:
●      Engage in cutting-edge research in Southeast Asian humanities and social sciences
●      Collaborate with leading scholars and researchers within the Initiative canadienne pour l’étude du Sud-Est asiatique / Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative
●      Opportunities to present your research at national and international conferences and workshops
●      Travel, accommodation and expenses up to US$17,595 for a 3-month period (includes return airfare, accommodation and per diem)
●      Should you wish to extend your stay at the University of Saskatchewan for up to 2 months you will be provided support to apply for additional funding (approx. US$3,500) from the University of Saskatchewan through the internal Global Ambassador Incoming Program competition.<https://internationaloffice.usask.ca/documents/travel-and-project-grants-2022-2023/international-travel-grant-global-ambassador-incoming-cfp-2022-23.docx>
●      Cultivate interdisciplinary connections and expand your professional network

Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
As a Visiting Scholar, you will have the unique advantage of conducting your research in Saskatoon, a vibrant and welcoming city located in the heart of Canada's prairie region. Immerse yourself in the rich academic environment, benefit from the local expertise and resources, and engage with the diverse cultural community of Saskatoon.

Eligibility & Qualifications:
●      The candidate must be a Southeast Asian national based at a Southeast Asian institution.
●      A faculty member or professional researcher who has a full-time position with another employer to which they can return. Visiting professors may also include those who are on sabbatical doing collaborative research at the university.
●      Hold a Ph.D. in a relevant field, such as history, political science, sociology, anthropology, languages and literature, fine arts
●      Demonstrate expertise and a strong research record in Southeast Asian studies which may include work conducted in a discipline such as Anthropology, History or Science and Technology Studies that has a substantive focus on Southeast Asia.
●      Proficiency in English, with knowledge of Southeast Asian languages (desirable)
●      Experience working collaboratively in multicultural and interdisciplinary environments

Application Process:
To apply for this exceptional opportunity, please submit the following documents:
●      Curriculum vitae (CV) highlighting your academic achievements and research experience
●      A cover letter outlining your research interests and goals during your tenure as a Visiting Scholar
●      Contact information of two references who can speak to your academic qualifications
●      Two writing samples showcasing your research work
●      Letter of support from home institution verifying that they will be on approved leave and will be returning after their appointment as a visiting professor has ended (this is a necessary document to complete their work permit).
●      Please submit your application materials to susanna.barnes at usask.ca<https://usaskca1-my.sharepoint.com/personal/smb706_usask_ca/Documents/USask/Projects/CSEASI/susanna.barnes@usask.ca> by January 15th 2024. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for virtual interviews by February 15th 2024.

The use of funds for the CSEASI Visiting Scholar Program is in accord with regulations of the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Victoria and the Henry Luce Foundation.

Embark on a transformative research experience with the University of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative. Contribute to advancing knowledge and cultural understanding in this dynamic field.

For more information, visit our website: https://cseasi.ca/

Join us in shaping the future of Southeast Asian studies in Canada. Apply now and become part of the vibrant community of researchers at the University of Saskatchewan and the Canadian Southeast Asian Studies Initiative!
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