[TimorLesteStudies] Kim McGrath article & new pdf of Helen Hill (1976) 'The Timor Story'

Michael Leach mleach at swin.edu.au
Fri May 10 12:20:18 AEST 2024

Dear List members

The paper attached (and linked here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WFaBcrm1l_vVJrR1U58fCVv6JVE9c3UF/view?pli=1>) by Dr Kim McGrath. "The academy as part of the resistance: the Victoria University story", pays tribute to the TLSA's co-founder, and our colleague and friend, Dr Helen Hill, who passed away earlier this week. It was presented at the TLSA 2023 conference in Dili, and has been updated by the author this week.

Kim writes:

"The TLSA has kindly allowed me to share this article about the contribution of Helen Hill and her colleague Jean McLean to Timor-Leste through their respective roles at Victoria University in Melbourne.

I delivered the paper at the TLSA conference in July 2023. Helen sat in the front row. I joked that she wasn't allowed to interrupt or correct me until I'd finished. She only interrupted once to point out that the Timorese activists who discovered her 1978 thesis on FRETILIN and translated it into Indonesian, were in the audience – they got a rousing cheer.

I will be forever thankful that my last memory of Helen is it her beaming at me with delight from the front row as the room joined with me in applauding her outstanding contribution to the Timorese solidarity cause."

Please also note that the Clearing House for Archival Records on Timor (CHART) has uploaded a new pdf version  of Helen's 1976 'The Timor Story'<https://timorarchives.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/timor-story-hill-1976-pp.pdf>, one of the first academic works to alert the world to Timor-Leste’s desire for self-determination, and to the unfolding predicament of the East Timorese people under occupation.


Professor Michael Leach
Politics and International Relations
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
H98, PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC
Phone: +61 3 9214 5357

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