[LINK] unlawful interception of internet traffic?

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Fri Dec 8 15:11:57 AEDT 2006

On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 01:51:50PM +1100, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
> >>Maybe in your case the DNS servers did once belong to the a different
> >>ISP.
> >
> >nope.  that is not the case.
> >
> >the ISP domain being hijacked has never been hosted by anyone else, and
> >certainly not by the ISP doing the hijacking.
> You missed my point, it wasn't the domain hosting that changed but the 
> OWNERSHIP of the ISP and its equipment that changed - twice over 7 years.

i didn't miss the point.  neither case is true.

the domain being hijacked is, and always has been, owned by one person
(and that person has been in the ISP business for many years, IIRC
before the hijacking even ISP existed).

there is no legitimate reason for the hijacking ISP to have ever
configured their nameserver to claim to be authoritative for the
hijacked domain.

there's also a bit more to the story. there are at least 3 entities
involved. i'll call them ISP A, ISP B, and ISP C.  

ISP A & B are the ones being blocked, and ISP B is the one whose domain
is being hijacked.

ISP C is the one doing the blocking and DNS hijacking.

as i understand the situation (and note: this is just hearsay and i have
no direct involvement or knowledge of the circumstances, except for the
IP blocking and DNS hijacking which i *have* seen for myself):

the guy who runs ISP A used to be (until earlier this year) the main
technical guy and half-owner of ISP C. he was kicked out of ISP C by his
business partner and there is bad blood between them.  AFAIK, he still
owns 50% of ISP C, although that may have changed...dunno.

after that, he started another company, ISP A.  ISP C are blocking ISP
A's IP addresses.

ISP B provides DNS secondary services to ISP A, and is also a friend of
the guy behind ISP A. presumably that is why his IPs are being blocked
too, and why his domain is being hijacked by ISP C.

there's also another entity, i'll call Complete Loser A, who (for some
reason unknown to me) also has some of his IP addresses blocked by
ISP C. this is particularly ironic and amusing because Complete Loser
A stuck his nose in where it wasn't wanted to pontificate that this
couldn't possibly be happening. it's also not surprising. lots of people
want to block out anything from Complete Loser A.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>           (part time cyborg)

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