[LINK] web site choices.

Eleanor Lister eleanor at pacific.net.au
Wed Sep 6 11:42:29 AEST 2006

Craig Sanders wrote:
> .asn.au was created to replace .org.au, and there's no point in doing
> that if .org.au registrations are still being processed.

.asn[.au] was created specifically for registered associations, such as 
charities and other non-profits, and i have registered such domains in 
the past, and probably will again in the future.

.org[.au] is for organisations that do not fit any of the regular 
type-profiles, yet are not commercial.  for example, i own 
webspinning.org which is really just my internet "condom" that i give 
out so that i can easily block spam;  or ssg.nsw.greens.org.au as in my 
.sig ... a political party is not an .asn[.au]

Eleanor Ashley Lister
South Sydney Greens
webmistress at ssg.nsw.greens.org.au

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