[LINK] the Telstra TruJerko Trio

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Wed Sep 13 12:33:05 AEST 2006

On Wed, Sep 13, 2006 at 12:24:47PM +1000, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
> Craig Sanders wrote:
> <snip>
> >>
> >>In my view, there was no choice but to sell off the rest of Telstra.
> >>Whether the analysts are talking the price up or down is for investors
> >>in T3 to decide. There are a large chunk of public servants (and
> >>politicians?), whose super is in the future fund, who are pondering
> >>this very issue.
> >
> >i can't quite see what your point is - unless you're trying to say that
> >it's OK to steal if you're doing it to pay off a debt?
> forget the debt...the government has enough in their coffers already to 
> pay of debt if they wanted to.

yes, of course...it was just a convenient excuse/red-herring for Honest John.

> ...but do you think having a half privatised entity is in your best 
> interests...what we have now is a half political half financial 
> organisation....to whom is Telstra accountable now?

no.  but the solution is to buy it back, not to complete the damage.

> >(and no, it isn't just up to the investors to decide. as a citizen
> >of this country, i am indirectly a part owner of telstra and i most
> >certainly have a right to object when i see those who are supposed to be
> >managing that asset on my behalf conspiring to give it away at a bargain
> >price.  Howard and Co. are stealing from the public as well as from the
> >T1 & T2 share-holders)
> >
> ...this is the point I was trying to make we need to differente
> voters/citizens (the term public is too nebulous and consumers is
> offensive) from taxpayers (some of whom are companies not to mention
> telstra itself) as current stakeholders in Telstra.
> As we don't know the deal on T3 or the date for the next federal
> election...there is a lot of posturing and putting flags up poles.

sorry, but theft is theft. the political situation may help to explain
it, but it certainly doesn't excuse it.


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>           (part time cyborg)

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