[LINK] NetAlert Campaign 'truth' finally coming out

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Sat Dec 15 11:50:27 AEDT 2007

On 15/12/07 11:40 AM, "Ivan Trundle" <ivan at itrundle.com> wrote:
> 'We' is not equal to 'children'. Children are generally brought up
> (rightly or wrongly - it's a sad reflection of our industrialised
> urbanist society) to avoid contact with strangers.

Indeed, because as Bruce Schneier and many others have pointed out, the vast
majority of strangers are nice people who will help you.

Last year (I think) there was the sad case in the US of a kid who'd gotten
lost in the woods while on a family camping trip, or something like that.
People were searching for him for days -- and they nearly found him many
times, except that he was hiding from the searchers because he was told to
"never talk to strangers".

It was only after some days that his hunger and fear eventually overcame
this programming.


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
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