[LINK] On the Market

David Lochrin dlochrin at d2.net.au
Tue Dec 18 09:07:09 AEDT 2007

On Friday 23 November 2007 11:43, Skeeve Stevens wrote:
> I like it, someone has been naughty
> http://www.domain.com.au/Public/PropertyDetails.aspx?adid=2006832414

   Linkers might be entertained by the following from Annabel Crab at the Sydney Morning Herald, and published online at http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/annabel-crabb/2007/12/03/1196530572864.html


"Sit right back and you'll hear the tale of a fearless crew"

Annabel Crabb
December 4, 2007

The Ruddbot, from the captain's deck, proclaimed his final crew:
There's Gillard, who's so good at jobs she took not one, but two!
And Garrett (who, when told the news, was sure he'd heard it wrong;
He'd kept the name, but lost the game to canny Penny Wong)

They've kept Pete in the cabinet, where he can be himself,
And help out when they need a book fetched from an upper shelf.
Stephen Smith, that finely groomed Westralian concoction
Looked pleased and proud when told aloud: "You've won the Paris option!"

And Swanny, his old comrade, rose - forgetting all the pain
Of battles past, to trumpet: "I'm a Treasurer! Called Wayne!"
Even Faulkner - tall, dark and inscrutable of face -
Confirmed his guile (with wintry smile) as he, too, took his place.

Fitzgibbon flubbed the swearing-in - let's give the man some guns!
Like Macklin, Carr, and Ludwig he has joined the chosen ones.
A win at last for Simon Crean: He's now the trade game's foreman.
And Albanese prevailed with ease. (His middle name is Norman!)

Ms Roxon will take charge of health. Let's hope she's never late.
Tanner has the finance gig - he'll be nobody's mate.
And Ferguson - a union man - will be the boss of mining!
Like Tony Burke, he'll have to work to keep his lot from whining.

Rob McClelland's not a man who's famed for holding grudges;
Let's see if this indulgence lasts, now he's in charge of judges.
Stephen Conroy's wired for speed; fast broadband is his tenet
And Kevin's got Chris Evans in, to lead them in the Senate.

Well, that's the cabinet, but wait! What's missing from the scene?
She's just a secretary, but we'll mention her: Maxine.
The Ruddbot's charges got in line for their official photo.
Their boss is fast; the moment past, he up and signed Kyoto.


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