[LINK] Theft, copyright, larceny...

Stewart Fist stewart_fist at optusnet.com.au
Thu Jun 28 10:05:07 AEST 2007

Adam writes

>> Let's say Joe Bloggs is found guilty of software copyright infringement.
>> Then Stewart reports that Bloggs has been convicted of software piracy.
>> Can Bloggs reasonably sue for defamation or libel?
>> p.s. IMHO, the answer is no.
> Rick you are correct.  The answer is No, because the facts are
> founded.  However if Stewie says it before Judgement, then Bloggs can sued :)
> If Stewie says that Bloggs stole copyright software, then Stewie can
> be sued, because Bloggs did not steal.

There's nothing like a bush lawyer to oversimplify what is a complex legal

As a:
- working journalist,
- current affairs producer and director,
- head of training at the Australian Film Radio and TV School
- newspaper and magazine columnist
all over 50 years 

And as one who has called many people much worse things in print and on TV
... and often been threatened, but never sued ...

I'm willing to take my changes in referring to this as stealing or theft,
despite Adams technical determination.


And I haven't been called by the diminutive "Stewie" since Primary School

But I guess this discussion is pretty much in that category ...  !!

Stewart Fist, writer, journalist, film-maker
70 Middle Harbour Road, LINDFIELD, 2070, NSW, Australia
Ph +61 (2) 9416 7458

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