[LINK] Netbooks

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Thu Jan 29 09:57:44 AEDT 2009

On 29/01/2009, at 8:56 AM, Pilcher, Fred wrote:

>> In fact, the lack of grunt might be beneficial in a school
>> context because an inability to play games, watch DVDs or
>> even stream YouTube videos smoothly means children have no
>> choice but to concentrate on work.
> my Eee 901 ... runs the Compiz cube and other effects smoothly,
> plays video and TV perfectly (though sometimes it has a minor hiccup
> with HDTV signals), does complex photo manipulations using Digikam
> perfectly well, etc. Games? OK - probably not the latest and greatest,
> but "inability to play games, watch DVDs or even stream YouTube videos
> smoothly" is absolute balderdash.

And who is to say that playing games, watching DVDs or YouTube is NOT  

There is often the misguided belief that school is meant to be a place  
of work, and not play.


Ivan Trundle
http://itrundle.com ivan at itrundle.com
ph: +61 (0)418 244 259 fx: +61 (0)2 6286 8742 skype: callto://ivanovitchk

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