[LINK] Forum on high speed bandwidth in Australia - this Thursday

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Mon May 4 15:09:53 AEST 2009

On 04/05/2009, at 2:40 PM, Brenda Aynsley wrote:
> would someone explain to me how you can have a 'discussion' that is
> comprised of 140 characters?

"Ask questions. Answer them. Point to references. Be concise."

60 characters, including carriage return. Plenty left.

("Carriage"? Goodness, how quaint!)

In slightly more detail, watch using a decent Twitter client which has  
a search running on the relevant hashtags and keywords, and you'll  
soon see. It's a different medium, and like any new medium it has to  
be experienced and learned.


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
Internet, IT and Media Consulting, Sydney, Australia
mobile +61 407 623 600
fax +61 2 9516 5630
Twitter: stilgherrian
Skype: stilgherrian
ABN 25 231 641 421

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