[LINK] Kohler: Rupert’s wrong: distribution, not content, is king

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri Apr 9 16:07:45 AEST 2010

This is what the NBN is hoping and what Foxtel hoped for.

> Microsoft set to bring Silverlight platform to set-top boxes‎ -

Perhaps there are no kings just fiefs.


Kim Holburn wrote:
> http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/04/09/kohler-rupert-wrong-distribution-not-content-is-king/
>> Murdoch's most recent biographer, Michael Wolff, reports that he  
>> doesn’t use the internet; in his press club interview session this  
>> week, he said he doesn’t have a Blackberry, but he does have a  
>> computer: “A double computer screen, behind me; one with the  
>> Wallstreetjournal.com, and the other with the NYTimes.com, and I’m  
>> comparing them.” Surfing is done in water.
> ....
>> For a newspaper, the value proposition — the thing that the  
>> readers are actually paying for — is the delivery, not the  
>> content. They are paying for the newsagent to get out of bed and  
>> drive to their house, for the plastic wrapping to keep it dry, for  
>> the paper on which the words are printed, the wages of the printers  
>> and the building and maintenance of the factory.
> ...
>> And that’s why the iPad might change the game, because Apple is  
>> distributing the stuff instead of Google, and Apple wants to be paid  
>> (30%).

Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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