[LINK] filter dead and cremated?

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Tue Aug 17 09:59:56 AEST 2010

> 16th August 2010 6:47 pm
> The Australian Greens today proposed a more effective use for the $40.8 million the Federal Government has budgeted for cyber safety. The plan includes PC-based filtering, further research into cyber safety risks, strengthened law enforcement, and online education.
> The plan is detailed here<http://www.tinyurl.com.au/g3q>
> ?Young people will not get the protection they need from the Government?s planned  mandatory net filter. The Greens policy, launched by Senator Scott Ludlam today, will do a far superior job,? Senate Greens Candidate for NSW Lee Rhiannon said.
> ?The government?s proposal for net filtering provides parents with a false sense of security, while threatening free speech and slowing down the net.
> The Australian Greens plan proposes:
>     * placing an obligation upon ISPs to offer PC-based filtering solutions that can be customised to block a much broader range of content at the local, individual PC level;
>     * more research into how best to deal with cyber bulling and grooming of young people;
>     * earmarking federal funding to boost cyber crime units in NSW Police, and the establishment of a single, online contact point for cyber crime reporting and cross-jurisdictional coordination of the police response; and
>     * allowing young people to develop the skills to critically evaluate what they encounter online through comprehensive, consistent online education and media literacy skills taught throughout NSW schools.
> "A filter is not the answer for concerned families. It's been shown to be ineffective and fraught with technical difficulties.
> ?The dissemination of child pornography, which is mostly done via file sharing not on websites, won?t be stopped with a filter either.
> "A key strategy to protect young people is to give them knowledge to help manage the way they negotiate the net.
> ?The Greens plan is comprehensive and provides a far better shield than the government?s,? Ms Rhiannon said.

Marghanita da Cruz
Tel: 0414-869202

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