[LINK] Predicting the Future

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Dec 7 23:50:10 AEDT 2011

Predicting the Future    December 5, 2011 


Since no supercomputer can yet predict the future, we need your help. 

Readers are invited to make predictions and collaboratively edit this 
(NYTimes website) timeline, which is divided into three sections .. a 
sampling of past advances, some future predictions (that you can push 
forward or backward in time, but not, of course, into the past), and a 
form for making and voting on predictions. 

The most prescient prophet might receive an iPad 2 in 2050. But if the 
past is any guide, this prediction will almost surely be wrong. 

1. The Past  2. The Future  3. Make a Prediction (under the 4 categories)

 Computation | AI | Transportation & Lifestyle | Communication

Then, also ...  

\\Vote for a Prediction

Click on the thumbs-up icons to vote for the predictions you want to see 
on the main timeline.

In the year2020
Google will provide everyone with the ability to communicate with 
everyone else regardless of the specific language they speak via their 
smartphone with real time language translation. 
Roy · Italy47

In the year2100
The Singularity arrives.

Adrian Baumann · New York, NY36

In the year2018
Wireless Pads will be used for most news and communication, even in 
Africa and other developing countries, before being replaced later by 
some virtual or miniaturized version

Tom Getzen · Philadelphia32

In the year2020
The Von Neumann architecture is replaced as the predominant model of how 
computers are built. New computer architecture integrates processing and 
memory, mimicking more closely how the brain operates. 

Peter Rimshnick · Hoboken, NJ30
In the year2025
The ubiquity of data in the cloud and methods of accessing it will become 
so pervasive that it will be impossible for individuals to either 
disconnect from the cloud or to protect one's personal data.

Joe · Washington DC27

In the year2030
Self Driving cars become relatively common, due to effective technology 
couple with demand from older citizens.

William Sears · Lexington MA27

In the year2015
Augmented Reality Navigation Systems – In 2015, we will have windshields 
that add a virtual layer of information to what we see in order to 
navigate us through traffic and to our destination. The turns we have to 
take and the lanes we need to be in will be highlighted as if they 
actually changed color for us.

Sebastian Horn · Berlin26

In the year2019
Last print newspaper run over 1000 copies

A. Einstein · New Mexico25

In the year2029
The work "day" and work "place" will become meaningless concepts for most 
people as technology continues to facilitate a seamless integration of 
personal and professional activity.

W. H. Post · Southern California24

In the year2030
Designer babies. Genetically engineered human super hybrid models. Choose 
the embryos eye color, height, intelligence, speed, etc. See the 
fictional ethnography of Gattaca and A Brave New World.

Sarah Ledesma · USC Los Angeles, CA22

In the year2075
The distinction between human and machine becomes meaningless. 
Perhaps "The Singularity" occurs, but, because of the interconnected 
nature of man and machine, we'll just move along as if nothing has 

Jason · Washington DC21

In the year2025
Computing devices become completely recyclable and their power efficiency 
become very high. We find energy sources that are cleaner and safer than 
fossil fuel. 

Ziad Youssfi · East Lansing, MI20

In the year2014
Robotic spying by law enforcement, foreign governments, corporations, and 
terror groups becomes prevalent.

A. Einstein · New Mexico20

In the year2025
Online interactive-based attendance will surpass on campus enrollment in 
colleges and universities globally

Mark Sackler · Woodbridge, CT19

In the year2020
The common use of independent semi intelligent web enabled agents will 
multiply (5 to 10 times) the productivity and effectiveness of most of 
the population of developed countries

John LuValle · Pasadena, CA18

In the year2050
Private High Speed Train Cars "rooms" - Will replace cars, people will 
set destination and be moved at speeds in excess of 500 MPH. These 
luxury "rooms" will link and unlink as needed for high efficiency 
traveling above and under ground. There will be less roads and more green 

Anthony DiCio · Hoboken18

In the year2013
You will be able to search for the internet by uploading a picture of 
what you are trying to find.

Larry · Austin, TX18

In the year2030
Tolerance for inefficient and dishonest government will end, resulting in 
a rapid and drastic shrinking of government as we know it. Over the next 
10 years most government functions will be replaced by ad hoc temporary 
cooperatives enabled by people using computing agents. 

John LuValle · Pasadena, CA13

In the year2015
Wireless electricity will be the norm.

AJ Batac · Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada13

In the year2040
Biological integration with computers, such that small computing devices 
can be installed into a living organism and interact with the organism 
and a network. Such technology could be used to provide feedback on 
vitamin and mineral deficiencies or surpluses, chemical imbalances, etc., 
and automatically order that prescription for you from the pharmacy. This 
technology could provide information on the percentage of strength 
remaining in muscles for long distance athletes and your hydration level. 
Highly developed technologies could read brain signals interpret them 
into data, using that data to provide relevant information to the host 

Sean · Austin, Texas13

In the year2028
P proved different from NP

Jeremy Teitelbaum · Storrs, CT12

In the year2050
The price and availability of computers will be such that more than half 
of the world's people will have one.

Eric Bittner · Bethlehem, PA11

In the year2300
After being forced to reflect on the unintended negative consequences of 
technology-facilitated suffering (in the form of wars and inequities) 
humanity will embrace a lasting wiser and kinder approach to conflict 
resolution, the sharing of resources, and appreciation for philosophical 

W. H. Post · Southern California10

In the year2014
Virtual keyboards projected from smart phones and tablets

Bill · Boston10

In the year2043
Artificial intelligence becomes a decisive factor in war.

Christopher Kovach · Iowa City9

In the year2030
Most mental illnesses and disabilities will be eliminated through a 
combination of medication, genetic alterations, and electronic implants.

Alex Bejan · Charlestown, RI9

In the year2016
The education system will rely on ipad-like devices in the classroom. 
Hyper-connected students will hardly remember what a pencil is.

Andres Vidal · North Plainfield, NJ9

In the year2250
After their first detection in 2011, faster than light particles have 
been harnessed and amplified to provide the first faster than light mode 
of transportation which makes interstellar travel possible for the first 
time. New robotic probes are set to search the Galaxy for the eventual 
transport of sentient beings..

Raoul Roach · New York City9

In the year2022
Cloning perfected. The technology to clone tissues will have been 
perfected. Organ transplants will be routine, because the organs are 
produced from the hosts own tissue. The wealthy will have "spares" on 
hand for emergencies-- extra hearts, lungs, knees, skin, etc.

Alex · Sydney, Australia8

In the year2017
Mobile apps will disappear as did desktop GUI apps once broadband 
wireless data is ubiquitous. Instead, all user interactions will be via a 
web browser utilizing HTML5. 

Walter H · Upper Saddle River, NJ7

In the year2020
Virtual Doctor's Appointments: Doctor's will see patients for certain 
visits via web conference. Registration will be required by both parties 
required via fingerprinting and retina registration technology.

Lisa Waller · Atlanta, GA7

In the year2060
Humans will learn to harness the bacteria in their bodies as systems for 
information storage, medical diagnosis and energy.

Intelligent Evolution · London, UK7

In the year2019
Virtual reality will pass the "uncanny valley", becoming convincing in 
nearly all regards, allowing rich, immersive experiences from the comfort 
and safety of one's home. This will significantly reshape the media 
industry, be it concerning movies, gaming or pornography. [Predicted date 
based on Ray Kurzweil's books]

Brian Jackson · Madrid, Spain7

In the year2022
The first consumer editions of a wearable contact lens with HD visual 
overlays will be released to the public. 

Matthew Rader · New York City7

In the year2017
Microscopic weapons become cheap as toys.

A. Einstein · New Mexico6

In the year2067
Fleetwood Mac will reunite in the form of bio-mechanical performers with 
computer enhanced voice boxes capable of producing prime late-70s era 
perfect vocals.

Andrew · Brooklyn6

In the year2026
Cure for AIDS

Julia Brooke Hustwit · Washington, DC6

In the year2041
The majority of our energy needs are met through renewable sources.

Akira Hirai · Phoenix, AZ6

In the year2070
Space Elevator Will make traveling to high orbit a simple 3day elevator 
trip! (Bring earplugs for the Muzak).

wisebabo · Austin, TX5

In the year2015
Computerized medical diagnosis based on symptoms and body scan

Barry J. Whie · Miami5

In the year2254
Abundance happens. Digital and physical science produces abundance so 
great that wealth becomes meaningless as a difference between people. 

Mitch Ratcliffe · Tacoma, Wash.5

In the year2100
A biological synthesizer that can recreate arms, legs, body parts, atom 
by atom.

Biosynthesizer · World5

In the year2020
neuromorphic computing systems will yield machines that learn rather than 
are programmed. the combination of neuromorphic and von neumann machines 
will revolutionize research, leading to extrordinarilly rapid progress 
and change.

lincoln fowler · milwaukee, wi5

In the year2050
An artificial brain will be created that can contain a human mind.

D. Moysey · Boston, MA5

In the year2030
Physical print books will become artifacts, only found in private 
collections and very large libraries.

prs · Nebraska5

In the year2016
Personal image projection will replace all physical screens on mobile 
device, entertainment and computing displays.

Justin Edwards · New York5

In the year2015
Crowd-sourced doctors' second opinions will be so fast, free, and 
accurate that everyone, including doctors, trusts them as there primary 
source for diagnoses. 

Chuck Pell · NC5

In the year2050
Global warming will create such a collapse in the world ecosystem that 
the resultant world recession will cripple future advances in science and 

Cynthia Akazawa · Okayama, Japan4

In the year2100
It is discovered by scientists that the universe is actually a digital 
simulation. Efforts are begun to contact the operators.

wisebabo · Austin, TX4

In the year2060
A.I. will buy CPU time on human brains Once machines can think, they will 
realize that humans can think better (more efficiently) on certain 
problems. With brain-machine interfaces common, machines will buy time on 
connected humans, typically while they sleep. Side effect: pretty strange 

wisebabo · Austin, TX4

In the year2030
By 2030 global petroleum production will be on the downside of the 
production curve. All frivolous forms of energy consumption will be 
curtailed in an effort to develop sustainable basics -- food production, 
winter heat in cold regions and other essentials. The growth of digital 
numerical computation will be curtailed in an effort to stabilize and 
sustain the human endeavor during and beyond "The Great Bottleneck".

Joe Geologist · San Francisco Bay Region4

In the year2071
Tactile holography: personal computer users can push, spin, squeeze, 
pinch, stroke and heft virtual icons in a 3-dimensional workspace and 
feel tactile feedback as their touch and motions execute commands.

Seville Lilly · Chicago, IL4

In the year2035
The ability to store any amount of electricity will revolutionize power 
consumption. No longer will enough power plants have to be built to meet 
peak needs. Rather, many fewer plants can produce power in off peak 
periods and it can be stored for later use.

David DeLong · Pittsburgh, PA4

In the year2019
Hand-held, DIY Medical Diagnostics — for interpreting cholesterol, 
hormone, vitamin, and glucose levels. 

Stephanie Geerlings · San Francisco4

In the year2100
It will be possible to cross the Atlantic on a commercial flight in 1 

Daniel Markovits · Boston3

In the year2020
Wearable augmented reality devices (e.g. a visor which displays 
information about the world around you) will become commonplace.

Jacob · San Francisco3

In the year2016
Centralized medical and genetic information for everyone accessable from 

Barry J. Whie · Miami3

In the year2020
True 3D volumetric displays (no glasses!) Like the projected holograms in 
Star Wars, someone will make a convincing display that be viewed by 
multiple people simultaneously.

wisebabo · Austin, TX3

In the year2222
The Singularity: computers will design and construct computers more 
intelligent and capable and compassionate and reflective than themselves; 
homo sapiens become irrelevant.

Grady Ward · Arcata, California3

In the year2100
It is discovered that ours is just one of an infinite number of universes 
in a multiverse and, using quantum tunneling, we can contact our other 

wisebabo · Austin, TX3

In the year2020
Organic Civil Engineering Bio-engineered organisms will be used to grow 
roads, bridges, and other civil superstructures. Ultimately enabling mega-
scale facilities like algae farms and desalination plants.

Riaz Rizvi · Foster City, CA3

In the year2020
Machine psychiatrists are proven more effective than human ones.

wisebabo · Austin, TX3

In the year2023
GPS Controlled Traffic Cars will no longer have accidents because city 
traffic networks will interact with vehicles on city streets to prevent 
accidents--and avoid pedestrians. Will interact well with driverless 
cars, though you'll still have the option of driving, thus not entirely 
eliminating the American need for control.

Robert M. Detman · San Francisco3

In the year2050
Voice and facial software for analyzing a person's emotional state or 
psychology, empirically and analytically, will be used in a variety of 

Joshua Salafsky · San Francisco3

In the year2020
The U.S. will retaliate against a cyberattack After a cyberattack occurs 
that causes a major loss of life (by the destruction of a chemical or 
nuclear plant) the U.S, will retaliate using real bombs against the 
terrorists who it believe instigated the attack.

wisebabo · Austin, TX3

In the year2120
Advanced communication technology allows a message to be relayed to the 
entire world simultaneously in case of emergencies. Wi-fi connection 

Y. A. T. · Gainesville, FL3

In the year2015
Humans will realize that human interaction is the reason for existence 
and drop any technological communication platforms and actually talk to 
each other.

Alan Edstrom · Saratoga Springs, NY3

In the year2021
Advances in telecommuting, distance learning, remote-controlled robotics, 
and social networking will disperse more people to favorable living 
environments, bringing a massive depreciation of urban real estate. 

Merino · New York, NY3

In the year2025
Predictions of computing parity with the human mind are pushed back when 
quantum mechanisms within the brain become well established, adding 
orders of magnitude to required complexity. Self-awareness through 
software remains elusive.

Ron Cline · Albuquerque, NM3

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