[LINK] So this is Christmas and Imagine all those people.....Re: Australia, Second Class Citizens, according to EMI

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Wed Dec 14 11:27:06 AEDT 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marghanita da Cruz [mailto:marghanita at ramin.com.au] 
> Sent: Wednesday, 14 December 2011 9:43 AM
> To: Tom Koltai
> Cc: link at anu.edu.au
> Subject: So this is Christmas and Imagine all those 
> people.....Re: [LINK] Australia, Second Class Citizens, 
> according to EMI
> Tom Koltai wrote:
> > I was cruising youtube as you do... And came across this 
> little ditty, 
> > by the Beatles:
> > 
> > John Lennon's: So this is Christmas.
> > 
> This along with Imagine is in the John Lennon collection on 
> Vinyl that I 
> dig out, of my very limited CD and Vinyl collection, each 
> year and play on 
> my "Retro" turntable. The vinyl has
> "Original Sound Recordings made by EMI Recrds Ltd: except 
> Original sound recordings made by The David Grafton Company 
> This compilation (p) 1982 by EMI Records Ltd."...EMI Logo and 
> Fine print and LENONO Music
> Noting Google isn't a disinterested party in this, Googling 
> LENONO Music reveals
> "This video is no longer available due to a coyright claim by Lenono 
> Music...Sorry about that.... 
> <http://www.chartattack.com/news/2011/apr/06/yoko-onos-publish
> ing-company-blocks-stephen-harpers-imagine-video-on-youtube>
> NOTE: May accuses Harper of breaking law over Kyoto.. 
> <http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/story/2011/12/13/pol-ma
> y-kyoto.html>
> <SNIP>

Thanks Marghanita.
Got all those. I was actually across the bunfight between Yoko and the
balance of the rights holders.
In fact not so long ago I was on the peripherals of a group that was
considering buying EMI from Citi.

I am now, actively campaigning for one global standard for copyright to
encourage the development of new content.
Personally I think that depreciation schedules and patent terms are a
damn fine reflection of what is fair and reasonable. 
75 years+ with corporations being sued and suing over a teeny tiny 3
minute piece of history, is ridiculous.

Music was written to be heard.
Videos were filmed to be seen. 

Linkers, we have learnt the alternative is ACTA and other legislative
freedom removing shepherding tools. 
Curiously, as educated elements of our society you all know this, but
(with some exceptions) choose to allow the industry sponsored
(ex-Tiananmen square) tank to keep moving forwards.

It's much easier to look left or right and make sure the deadlock is
bolted on your front door at night than to argue with the corporatism
Lobbyists have suborned our legislators, and we do nothing.

In fact on a global basis, there are very few writing about these

I think it's sad that we can snipe at each other, but ignore that what
happens in America, happens here a few months later. 

The media corps, and carriers however are not.

In the US, carriers are actively preventing their users from accessing
http://americancensorship.org/, an activist site distributing
information about the Internet Censorship Bills (SOPA/PIPA).

We are in a state of war, Democracy versus Fascism, yet many linkers
have no clue. Those that do, are thinking, but hey, I put in my time
with the anti-Vietnam rallies and imbibed waaay too much THC... I don't
think I could do that again. Well don't, but tell your kids that this is
their future the Government and corporations are FUNKING with.   


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