[LINK] Draft Energy White Paper

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Dec 20 16:14:55 AEDT 2011

Draft energy white paper - strengthening the foundation for Australia’s 
energy future

Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism. 14th December 2011


The draft Energy White Paper sets out a long‐term energy policy framework 
to guide the further development of Australia’s energy systems into the 
next decade and beyond.

Its goal is to provide clear policy directions that improve the 
productivity and resilience of Australia’s energy systems so that all 
Australians can access clean, secure, reliable and competitively priced 

In doing so it sets out a series of interconnected policy positions that 
collectively form the overall policy framework.

Part I of the draft Energy White Paper – Australia’s energy in context – 
provides an overview of Australia’s current energy situation and 
identifies key energy trends, priorities and challenges to 2030 and 

Part II – Australia’s energy policy framework – examines Australia’s 
energy security framework and the opportunities and challenges involved 
in the sustainable development of our energy resources, improving the 
operation of our energy markets and energy productivity, and making the 
transformation in deploying clean energy technologies.

Part III – Supporting energy policy outcomes – addresses the energy‐
related cross‐cutting policy issues of sustainability, skills and 
workforce development and promoting Indigenous opportunities, and 
concludes on two important enabling activities – international engagement 
and improving energy analysis.



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