[LINK] Internet Explorer 9

Johann Kruse whassaname at gmail.com
Sat Feb 12 12:03:18 AEDT 2011

On 12 February 2011 10:57, Rachel Polanskis <grove at zeta.org.au> wrote:
> On 12/02/2011, at 10:23 AM, Kim Holburn <kim at holburn.net> wrote:
>  So to access rich resources, you cannot
> even use OWA anymore unless you are on a PC.  Otherwise it will present you with
> OWA "lite".   And, apparently, it is not even consistent then, because some Windows
> users cannot access Rich OWA either, because of bugs in Exploiter.  To quote Vonnegut,
> "so it goes"....

Actually that is not quite correct... Exchange 2010 is the first
version of OWA that is fully supported on non-Microsoft browsers.
This is the full premium OWA, not OWA Lite.

>From http://help.outlook.com/en-us/140/bb899685.aspx ....

"  To use the complete set of features available in Outlook Web App
and the Web management interface, you can use the following browsers
on a computer running Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, or
Windows 7:
Internet Explorer 7 and later versions.
Firefox 3.0.1 and later versions.
Chrome and later versions.

On a computer running Max OS X, you can use:
Safari 3.1 and later versions.
Firefox 3.0.1 and later versions.

On a computer running Linux, you can use:
Firefox 3.0.1 and later versions.  "

Disclaimer:  I work for Microsoft.


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