[LINK] NBN April, and 75%

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Wed Feb 23 19:39:16 AEDT 2011

> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au 
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of Michael 
> Skeggs mike at bystander.net
> Sent: Wednesday, 23 February 2011 5:47 PM
> To: link at mailman.anu.edu.au
> Subject: Re: [LINK] NBN April, and 75%
> Everyone wrote:
> >>>> Mr Quigley said the first release sites on the mainland had 
> >>>> received on average a 75 per cent rate of consent from 
> premises to 
> >>>> be connected to the NBN.
> >>>>
> >>>> The highest rate of consent was in Willunga, South 
> Australia with 
> >>>> 91 per cent, but the inner-city Melbourne suburb of 
> Brunswick had 
> >>>> only received 50 per cent consent.
> >>> per cent of what? The article is mute on that. Has NBN 
> said of what?
> >> percent of homes in the notified area that had 'opted in' 
> to have the 
> >> NBN fibre and an NBN optical node installed at their house 
> when the 
> >> installation crews are stringing along their street.
> > <snip>
> Is there any survey of the reasons why take up is 
> substantially below 100%? 

I havent seen one, but my guess is that the NBN are trying to sell it to
mums and dads.

W R O N G 

When I wanted Government Ministers of a SIDS country to think an idea
was a good one, I went and gave talks in the schools to the kids.

"Hey kids, guess what you can do with one of these ???"

It worked, the following week I got my vote.

Ever since the development of computers, it has always been the 14-15
year olds that have innovated and begged, borrowed and stolen the money
from mum and dad to enable the innovation.

For the NBN to be "SOLD" to the nation, Alice and Bob have to come home
from school and say- HEY MUM, if we had Fibre to the home, we could talk
face to face with NANA every day and she could see us and wouldn't have
to fly down here once a year with her wheelchair and all the saline

At Ausnet, we sold it to the Geeks and then gave free connections to
every school in Australia.
Then all they had to do was sell it to their kids.

It worked...  I got thousands of sign-ups.

We need an advertising campaign that talks to kids about what they can
do if their mum and dad say yes to the NBN.

Let's not trust the old fart parents to know what's good for them.
They don't.

And if you don't believe me... Do you remember the time that you and ...
With that bottle of .... And then the bottle of...  
And the hangover that you had the next day ??? 

You don't?

Well you would if you had a NetCam that recorded everything and uploaded
it automatically to your YouTube account!

In fact, with sufficient bandwidth, you could even run your own real
life reality family TV show....

Hey World, welcome to the House of [...insert name of family about to
become famous here...]

In fact, Have any of you asked yourselves..



And the biggie....

Hey Kids, how many PS3's can you connect under Call of Duty 4 if you
have Fibre to your home ?

The first winning guess received will get a brand new PS-3 and a copy of
Call of Duty 5


Try these low down dirty tricks and watch the Yes percentage go through
the roof.


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