[LINK] "Shutting down copper is a really dumb thing to do"

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Wed Nov 9 09:43:31 AEDT 2011

Slightly more than six million, Frank. Over the life of the build, the 
number of homes will increase; and there will also be business services. 
NBN Co eventually anticipates 13 million premises (home and business) to 
be connected.

However, that's still trivial by comparison to the USA.

Richard C

On 9/11/11 7:56 AM, Frank O'Connor wrote:
> Perhaps in America, with its economies of scale and huge customer numbers (about 170 million or more fixed line connections) big telcos could afford to run two 'systems' in tangent.
> Here, it's not as viable. I mean, even the NBN ... even with everyone in Oz connected to it, would  only have about 6 million subscribers. That's not enough to support running a tandem network connection environment.
> ---
> On 09/11/2011, at 12:27 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
>> http://www.arnnet.com.au/article/405374/primus_ceo_shutting_down_copper_really_dumb_thing_do_/
>> -- 
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