[LINK] Our future Generation being looked after by our Government
Michael Skeggs mike@bystander.net
mskeggs at gmail.com
Fri Feb 1 11:09:26 AEDT 2013
Perhaps you guys have had too much sun?
Australia has the higest rate of skin cancer in the world, so a no hat, no
outside play policy seems not unreasonable for young kids.
Everybody in my house is pretty concious of sunscreen, hats etc. when
spending time in the sun.
As for sport, my kids still have sport afternoon each week at their state
schools, although they have options I didn't as a kid (ice skating, for
example in high school).
And the primary kids can choose ethics as an alternative to sitting in the
library if they have chosen no religious study during their once a week
And to bring it back to the list topic, I was surprised and impressed when
my 11yro returned from her first day of high school yesterday to tell me
they had learnt binary in Maths.
Michael Skeggs
On 1 February 2013 10:43, Nick Ross <nickrossabc at gmail.com> wrote:
> Don't worry, schools like my son's one have effectively banned sport (15
> mins a week of passing a basketball to each other with chest passes) so
> they are being limited in their appearances outside. Also, by cutting back
> on traditional subjects and replacing them with Green Party Indoctrination
> Ethics classes they will all grow up to be nature lovers living in a forest
> with no job too.
> N
> On 1 February 2013 08:03, tomk <tomk at unwired.com.au> wrote:
> > Yesterday I drove past a pre-school with approximately 30 bundles of joy
> > playing out in the sun.
> > They all had their hats on with supervisors ensuring that the hats
> > stayed on.
> >
> > I cried.
> >
> > Cotton hats versus Alpha Beta and Gamma.
> >
> > 1/Feb/2013
> >
> >
> > -- If you make people think they’re thinking, they’ll love you; but if
> > you really make them think, they’ll hate you.”– Don Marquis
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