[TimorLesteStudies] Diálogos Journal - 2021 - Memory, Orality and Writing

Alessandro B. alessandro_arb at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 1 10:26:46 AEST 2021

Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa’e 

Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 

Dear all, 
The 2021 edition of Diálogos Journal (edited by UNTL) has justcame out. This year the Journal brings the theme of Memory, Orality and Writing. The papers are in Tetun, Portuguese and English.
Some news for this year are: 
1) We’ve added an online ISSN; 
2) All articles now have DOI code; 

3) In addition to placing theJournal on the Faculty's website, we are now also on two other onlineplatforms.

You can get the printed version at the secretariat of the Faculty ofPhilosophy and Human Sciences (rector's building), or the online version (openaccess) on the websites:

1) Faculty webpage


(Once there go straight to the“Revista Diálogos” link) 

2) academia.edu


(The page is still being updated,but the 2021 edition is now available) 

3) on the webpage: 


(The site is a work in progress(under construction), and the2021 edition will be available from next week) 


In case you have any difficulty in accessing the links, please email meand I will send you the pdf. version.

Any comments to improve the next editions will be very welcome. 

Please see the cover and summary attached.

Best regards, 

Alessandro Boarccaech

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